Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hello Sunshine!

Collabor 88 is open
I been keeping my eyes on these overralls since Spirit posted a work in process photo and claimed it as all mine. When I went to C88 I couldn't help grab the ones that Pixicat has and it comes with a color hud shirt that I am in love with. 
Skin: [Deetalez] LeLutka Appliers Face Kira / Eastern
: [Ikon] Ardent / Parchment
Hair: [Truth] Opal / Browns
Face: [
Deetalez] Mesh Freckles
Make - up: [
Deetalez] Lelutka Lips Wrinkly Appliers
Outfit Right
Top: [Vinyl] Bebe Bra / Fatpack *Group Gift*
Overrall: [Spirit] Mema Denim / Dark Blue @ Collabor 88
Outfit Left
Top + Overrall: [Pixicat] Casual Set / Flower nr1 
@ Collabor 88
Necklace: [Atomic] Unicorn Horn
Rings: [
Kibitz] Regi Set / Gold
Head: [LeLutka] Mesh Head STELLA
: [Maitreya] Mesh Body Lara + Hands
: [Slink] Female Flat
Shoes: [Reign] Petal Hoppers / Black
 Decor: [MishMish] Bottle Opener & Bottles
@ Collabor 88
  Decor: [Plethora] Scenescape Lights / Cloud Nine